
Our Library plays a fundamental role in enhancing the learning experience of students, and providing them with all the materials and services they need to study or enhance their knowledge-base. It provides access to books, magazines, databases, and academic journals, and also assists learners when they are navigating online databases, using specialized search tools, and locating research materials.


This collection has all borrowable material of European and Urdu language. All this collection is located at the First Floor of the Library. The collection in this section is more than 5000 books and 50 journals approx.


This web catalogue provides bibliographic access to a rich collection of Salim Habib University central and departmental libraries.


On the first floor of the library, ten research cabins are provided for research scholars. A research cabin may be reserved only for a PhD research scholar on the recommendation of his/her head of the department.
There are also ten discussion cabins with a capacity of six persons at a time, intended for students to discuss, debate, and study together. A discussion cabin may be reserved for a group of six students on the guarantee of their class representative.