
Our logo contains a number of elements.

The rose is taken from the logo of Barrett Hodgson Pakistan and acknowledges the initiative of the company in building our College and continuing to support it. The rose is a symbol of health: appropriate not only for a health concern but also for an educational enterprise providing facilities for young people to eat healthy and to exercise both mind and body. Our mission to provide a safe, well-ordered environment is represented by this symbol.

The pen nib is a traditional symbol of scholarship and gold indicates quality. This symbolises our desire to demand the highest standards of academic endeavour from all of our students, and to provide the encouragement and expertise to enable them to achieve this successfully. Our mission to enable students to become confident and competent is represented by this symbol. The lower part of the logo is a fretty, an old heraldic symbol that we interpret in a modern way. The interweaving symbolises the interconnectedness of ideas. Also, that social interaction with others can produce educational benefits. Further, it can symbolise the internet and all modern means of communication generally. Our mission to form a community of curious and creative young people is represented by this symbol.

The Latin phrase fundamenta inconcussa, meaning unshakeable foundation, is used by academics to indicate an undeniable set of principles upon which a body of knowledge is built. We are using this as our motto because we believe that a broad and balanced education is the soundest of foundations we can provide upon which the next generation can build their future.