Primary School

Developing skills, abilities, attitudes, and behavior to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Keeping in mind the changing paradigm of education today, Salim Habib School, in a first of its kind initiative, has customized the Primary Curriculum, setting Cambridge International Primary Programme as a benchmark. We have created specially designed resources to foster independence and a love for learning from an early age.

Our Primary Programme focuses on building in students 21st century skills such as critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity, and promotes knowledge, skills and values through the 3 Es; exposure, expansion, and exploration. Designed for children aged 5-11, SHS provides learning objectives for each year of the child’s education. Its step-by-step programme of learning takes children from the start of primary education to completion, before they move on to secondary education.

Moreover, SHS is a comprehensive Primary Programme preparing students to be active participants in a lifelong journey of learning. It provides opportunities for students to build meaning and refine understanding, principally through structured inquiry. These are essentially social acts of communication and collaboration. It focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, in the classroom and in the world outside. It is defined by transdisciplinary themes of global significance, explored using knowledge and skills derived from subject areas with a powerful emphasis on inquiry-based learning.


The syllabus of SHS English enables students to achieve greater fluency, accuracy and confidence in the language as it is spoken and written. English is a gateway to all the other subjects. The baseline of Salim Habib School’s Primary Programme is to develop and refine all the four language skills of the pupil, that is, listening, speaking, reading, and writing.


Mastering mathematical skills is essential for future opportunities in school and later, in careers. SHS math gives students the personalized practice essential to success in math. It also provides hands-on experience and rich, meaningful learning opportunities through the use of higher-level thinking skills, situational analysis, reasoning, application of technology and problem solving in an ideal setting. The SHS mathematics curriculum is presented in five content areas: numbers, calculation, mental skills, problem-solving, and organizing and using data.


Science enables students to develop a deeper insight and wider perspective on social issues and cultures around the globe and is an effective preparation for further study. Our curriculum aims to assist teachers in developing the child’s interest and curiosity about the biological and physical world through the incorporation of experimental and investigatory skills in their work.

Social Studies:

Social Studies is a subject that introduces the child to the past and also unveils the present geographical, cultural, economic, and social trends, traditions, and customs. Our curriculum is designed and taught through drama, role play and activities. We have tried not to make it a thrust but rather instigated motivation by introducing diverse cultures through practical activities and facts. Our curriculum addresses how to kindle the child’s imagination; arouse their curiosity, and make them think logically. It develops patriotic spirit through exposing them to the fundamental history of Pakistan gradually and systematically. Good citizenship traits are instilled all across the curriculum.

Religious Education:

Islamic values are inculcated in the young minds. Kalmas and Namaz are an integral part of our curriculum. SHS Primary Programme cultivates strong moral values in students in accordance with Islam. Honesty, truthfulness, tolerance, fair play, justice, respect, responsibility, courage and care for humanity are the cornerstone of our curriculum. All religious events are celebrated with tremendous fervor and enthusiasm by students in the school. Furthermore, through historical stories and recounts, we develop compassion and patriotism in our students.


Urdu is our national language and is introduced alongside English in the Pre-Primary and Primary school. A strong foundation is laid in the early years by developing Urdu reading skills using phonics approach. Colorful readers are introduced to arouse interest and imagination of the young learners. All the four language skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing – are developed in harmony. In the primary years, children read storybooks in Urdu to enhance their reading skills and develop handwriting skills by practicing writing in their workbooks. Comprehension skills are developed gradually through the teaching methodologies employed by proficient Urdu teachers.