Student Services

We offer various services to assist our students and ensure that they have a smooth stay at SHEC. Some of these services include:

The Admissions office deals with and provides services related to:

We believe you will find the SHEC application process to be very easy and convenient. Any issues you have with the process, the Admissions Office can assist you with. As for the application, the applicant’s academic performance is the vital criteria under consideration, along with accomplishments inside and outside the classroom, commitment to serve the community, and personal qualities that align with those that SHEC looks for in candidates. We look forward to having you on board and getting to know you!

Career Services is an undertaking of the Student Affairs department that assists students in exploring all possible career options and deciding on a suitable career path that aligns with their capabilities, interests, and skills.

We help every student find a great job and build the foundation of a successful career-no matter who they are, what they know, or what their major is. We can assist you whether you are halfway around the world, in your room or in our institute.

Our Career Services intends to bridge the gap between the needs of employers and the skills and passions of our students. We help you with not only the career planning process, but also with leading an effective job search, learning the fine art of networking and how to utilize it to create and maximize career opportunities, and ultimately with securing your dream job.

Our services include, but are not limited to, assistance with building resumes and portfolios, help writing cover letters, polishing interview skills, refining job search techniques, providing you with networking opportunities, and giving you career counseling and coaching.

We aim to help you learn, experience, and soar!

SHEC does not discriminate against students in need in any way. All capable students who meet the eligibility requirements of Salim Habib Education Complex have an equal chance at admission. For students who are unable to fulfil the financial requirements of the Institute, we offer a number of scholarships, and financial aid.

SHEC is committed to build and maintain a diverse student body through its open admission process and its dedication to meet 100% of the proven financial needs of all eligible students. We go out of our way to help students who need financial assistance, because we truly wish to educate the youth of the country, no matter what their circumstances.

Our ultra-modern infrastructure and facilities enable us to offer you a number of sports and recreational services and the opportunities to adopt a more athletic lifestyle, to participate in various fun activities, and to find healthy outlets of release for your academic stress.